
Mabelle Jobeh

Hi there!

Thank you for being here

I am super excited that you are here. My name is Mabelle, and Mabelle in French means “my beauty,” cool, right?

I previously worked in a financial institution, and after a few years, I realized that my passion was supporting parents like myself to reach their parenting goals.

My Background

I am a mom to two beautiful girls Iris and Ivee’ and four bonus, not so children birth by another queen. So we are a family of eight.

Labelle’s Views was created to provide a non-judgemental platform for parents to reach their parenting goals. I have worked with children for almost a decade and went on to earn my master’s in child and adolescent developmental psychology. The best part about my career is being a mother. They are my reason, and my why behind my passion to understand child psychology hence, help my fellow parents build healthy parent-child relationships.

As a CAD psych, I am not just giving you my personal experiences, because I understand that parenting is not a one-size-fits-all approach. Therefore, my goal is to used my expertize in my field and research evidence-based practices and share with you.

I specialized in providing support for mom’s because i believe the key to raising emotionally healthy children depends on the emotinal health of the parent.

With my personal experiences as a mom and my expertize as a CAD psych, I hope that I can make childrearing just a little less stressful and more productive for you.

I also hope to build a community where we all can share our experiences without judgment and, hopefully, in the process, motivate and help one another.

The reality is that parenting can be challenging especially when you add, work, student, and wife. Moreover, there is no manual or precise rules that come with being a parent.
My Childhood

My Childhood

Growing up in Africa, parenting was so much different, and, my experience was one I did not want for my kids. As a child, I was not able to express my emotions because children weren’t allowed to express their feelings or thoughts. As a matter of fact, it was assumed that we had none. Crazy, I know!

We were expected to listen and follow instructions, and failure to do so resulted in severe repercussions for being disobedient.

I turned out ok, though, or did I?

While in Africa, I did not quite understand the impact of my adverse childhood experiences “ACEs” because “what I did not know could not hurt me.”

I did not know or saw any other kind of parenting to compare with my parents’. However, coming to the United state, and becoming awakened and epowered through education in chid psychology, I guess you can say “I saw the light.”

During my studies in child pshychology, I had so may “aha” moments.

Sometimes, I think I am a real life case-study.

Fastforward to now, with several therapy sessions I have been able to heal my ACEs. Hence, I am very passionate about helping others who need the same healing for themselves and their families.

It is imposible to effectively parent when ligering childood trauma or other adverse experiences that has caused your emotional dysregulations and lack of self-efficacy.

My goal is to provide you with the tools you need to heal so that you can become the mother you’ve always wanted to be

Let’s together change this obsolete way of parenting, and become resposive parents with the primary goal of raising emotionally stable children.

This begins with your own healing ….

What I Do For Fun

  • I have been fortunate to travel a little and hope to travel more in the future.
  • I am constantly learning something new like, listening to audiobooks, or learning a new course,
  • So my guilty pleasure is to binge-watch the real housewives, Potomac, Orange county, Jersey, and Atlanta are my favorites.
  • I enjoy hanging out with my husband on date nights.
  • I love cooking and have been told I am quite a natural at it. Check out my healthy cooking page and see what’s cooking.
Labelle’s views blog provides a supportive parenting platform, However, I also incorporate everything else I find exciting or useful. Like; food and recipes, lifestyle, DIY, Relationships, and more.

You have heard the saying, “it takes a village to raise a child.” This quote emphasizes the need for a supportive community and the call to join one and not have to figure it all out alone.

Please join this village so that together we can raise Happy, Secure, Successful, and Overall Healthy Children.
Parenting Goals
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